Hedonic price index for Flanders
Hedonic price index for houses and apartments
Average days-on-market (2005q1=100)
Average sales-to-list price ratio
2005q1-current using data from ERA Belgium
Paper: Damen, Sven (2021). The quality-adjusted price evolution of houses and apartments in Flanders from 2005q1 until 2021q2. Bank en financiewezen 4: 161-164. [SSRN]
Hedonic price index for Belgium, Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels and Belgian municipalities
Hedonic price index for houses and apartments
Decompositions of average prices in hedonic index and quality components
2011-2021 using data from the FPS Finance's General Administration of Patrimonial Documentation (GAPD) and the 3 regional energy agencies (VEKA, SPW Wallonie and Brussels Environment)
Paper: Reusens, Peter, Vastmans, Frank & Damen, Sven (2023). A new framework to disentangle the impact of changes in dwelling characteristics on house price indices. Economic Modelling, 123, 106252.